Our Philosophy
At Evergreen Child Care Centre in White Rock our team will facilitate your child’s development by encouraging them to establish a positive self image. We provide opportunities for active participation through play and encourage interaction with peers, adults and the environment. We love to see children blossom through constructive interaction with real experiences and interactive play.

Our Staff
For day care in White Rock Evergreen Child Care Centre is the place to be! Evergreen’s staff members are fully certified and licensed or are enrolled in an Early Childhood Education Program. In the Infant/Toddler group, the ratio of staff to children is 1:4. There is an Infant/Toddler Educator present at all times. In the 3-5 age group the ratio is 1:8. The Out of School program has a ratio of 1:12 or 1:15 depending on the ages of the children. All the staff members are required to hold a current first aid and C.P.R. certificate.
Parental Involvement
If you have a skill, craft talent or an ability you would like to share, we welcome your participation! Your occupation may be of interest to children; your cultural background may suggest an activity our class would enjoy; your musical talent or interest in home crafts could enrich our program. You will be delighted with your child’s excitement and pride in your presence as much as the class will enjoy your contribution. Your participation in various field trips which we have is also welcome. Please let us know – we would be happy to have you.
An important part of this centre is the respect of confidential information. Any information discussed regarding children and parents will be kept confidential, as well as personal information that parents may share with us.