Philosophy and Goals
The goal of Evergreen Childcare Centre is to provide childcare for parents working or attending school. Childcare revolves around the needs of both parent(s) and the child. It is a three way partnership between parent, child and caregiver.
We provide a warm, caring environment where all individuals involved have input and feel accepted. We believe that childcare is not a substitute, but is a continuation of the parent’s caring and concern for their child. We provide an environment which supports the family’s beliefs for their child.
Children will be treated with care and respect and be given the opportunity to grow and explore in all facets of their development. We believe in the physical, emotional, social, intellectual and cultural support of each child.
Emergent Curriculum
Our child care centre in White Rock works on an emergent curriculum basis. This means we acknowledge and follow the children’s lead in developing the curriculum. Our staff spends time getting to know where the children’s interests lie and expand on these interests, which enhances the children’s opportunities of learning in the areas that they are at.

Value of Play
Children learn about their world through play. They are self-educating themselves, learning through experimentation, through cause and effect, through observing role modeling and then imitating, through working on communicating, and learning about their own feelings.
Children are learning the beginnings of science, mathematics and language skills this way. They are also learning about body control and manipulation, appropriate and inappropriate social behaviour, their preferences, and understanding their emotions.
Infant/Toddler Daily Schedule
7:00-9:30 – Children arrive and make their choices from art and play set up tables
9:30-9:45 – Clean up and wash hands
9:45-10:00 – A nutritious snack is brought from home
10:00-10:15 – Diapers and prepare for going outside (if weather permits)
10:15-11:30 – Outside activities such as going to Emerson Park, going for a walk or going to the playground
11:45-11:50 – Wash hands
11:50-12:30– Lunch time (lunches brought from home)
12:30-1:00 – Nap time – according to child’s needs
3:30-3:45 – Wash up
3:45-4:15 – Snack time – child chooses snack from remaining foods left from lunch
4:15-4:30 – Diapers and prepare for going outside (if weather permits)
4:30-6:00 – Outside, or if raining, an art activity or table activity will be presented. Children also start to go home.